Friday, June 17, 2011

princesses beatrice and eugenie

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  • onemorecame
    08-10 12:42 PM
    Yes, I did use LS.

    But my motive was not to jump the line as I told my company attorney to purposefully find an LC from this year or last year. And since it was a multibillion dollar company with some xx thousand employees. They were able to find one.

    Not everyone's motives is to jump the line. I did this because I didnt want to wait another 10 years to apply for I 485.

    And on the top, dont even think that all who did LS were able to jump the line. LS involves lot of scrutiny and it was always safer to use one's own labor.

    Its so funny that some people think that people who cannot prove themselves for what ever reasons (education etc) with their own labor use LS. hehehe. This is even more riskier.

    And it was always legal to do it. And may be many people and employers misused it. Shout at those people.

    As for me, my labor was going nowhere and the company with which I worked for the past few years found an LS for me which was from last year PD and I do not regret doing it.

    And I bet, people who had an opportunity like me would do it.

    And also, THE THREAD WAS NOT OPENED WITH A TITLE "WHAT IS YOUR OPINION ABOUT LS, SHOULD IT BE BANNED". There were a number of threads on this forum where you can show these kinds of opinions. This thread was opened for a different purpose.

    And moveover LS is banned now. So dont waste your energyy but use it for some good causes IV is planning for.


    I think you did good job that you accepted LS from your company.
    I never used LS even though it was available at that time. But I don't hate who accepted this LS, I know it was legal and it�s for the company who can utilize their labor instead for waiting for approval of another labor.

    I would like to say people who hate thus who used LS because they missed this or they never got chance to get LS, or they never had that much dare to pay the money and get that.
    Dude nobody is "DHARMATMA" here. And don�t try to show that you are clean.

    So please stop this non-sense and hating people who used LS. Just give your suggestion on post if anybody is looking for any suggestion. Otherwise just ignore it.

    Thanks to all:)


    wallpaper princess beatrice princesses beatrice and eugenie. Princess Beatrice and Eugenie
  • Princess Beatrice and Eugenie

  • Ramba
    04-01 06:53 PM
    Contact attoreny ASAP why/how it has happened. As he represnts you, USCIS acts upon his request to withdraw. However, he has to make such requsest only upon your written communication to withdraw the application. Therefore, find out whose mistake it is (law firm or USCIS). If it is the law firm mistake ( if you have not requested your attorney to withdraw your 485), contact him to rectify his mistake. That means, he has to put his full effort to get the application back to USCIS. You can even sue them for a hefty amount for the damages they have done. If it is a USCIS mistake, MTR may work well, to get back the 485 in line. As the primary applicant already received the GC, it is tricky. So, contact another atttorney for second opinion and contact AILA, if required.

    princesses beatrice and eugenie. Princess Beatrice and Dave
  • Princess Beatrice and Dave

  • GotGC??
    04-13 01:06 PM
    As two of the more senior members on this forum, please set a good example for others...not this.

    Whatever dude!

    Don't vent your anger on me; vent it on the immigration system. Like you I also have a right to say whatever I feel. If moderators feel it is against the forum guidelines they can delete my posts or threads and I am fine with this. This is called discipline and respect for system and authority. We are using someone's property when we post on this forum. We do not own it.

    In your office do you ask your CEO/VPs to first send you a one liner explaination before he takes a decision on your project? Think about it

    2011 Princess Beatrice and Eugenie princesses beatrice and eugenie. Princesses+eatrice+and+
  • Princesses+eatrice+and+

  • InTheMoment
    08-15 02:42 PM
    Two things I would like to mention here:

    First, a possibilty of an RFE for your laetest Employment Verification only arises when certain red-flags are raised. Among them are:

    1.) Address on file (which has changed after filing I-485) is in a different state from the place of employment. Now I am sure the officer knows that DC and Virginia/Maryland or NH and MA are different states but still they can be daily commuter workers sou could be spared.
    I have seen more than a bunch of folks getting RFE's for this specific reason.

    2.) Long time (upto the discretion of the CAO..but I feel it is more than 18 months) has passed since the I-485 has filed.

    3.) Any other history of excessive job-hopping.

    Please pitch in if you know any other substantive reason.


    For the job description from the new employer: I would say put whatever the new employer says but make sure ...for sure to copy paste two related sentences from your old job desc. into the new one to be the first bullets in the description.

    I had changed jobs using AC21, used EAD, moved to a different state (5-6 states apart, i.e not a daily commuter) had a slightly different job title. Oh I was so sure that I would get an RFE ...I made sure I sent the AC21 docs against the advise of my attorney (he wanted CIS to send the RFE, made no sense as that would have literally wasted time and my money ;))...and did all the things that I just said about the new EVL...and got the I-485 approved without any issues.

    Go ahead and make the best of AC21!:)


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  • Photos Of Princess Beatrice

  • ck_b2001
    01-26 09:32 PM

    I am planning to accept an offer from a company that will also sponsor my H1. All the terms & conditions look fine to me and their seems to be no bond.

    However, the offer letter has a clause that is a bit strange and raised some doubts in my mind. Experienced people please comment and let me know if it has a risky hidden meaning. Please note I am not going to take any trainings and would start to work immediately with one of their clients. The clause goes like this.

    "Employee acknowledges that the Company may invest significant sums to train and educate Employee and the Company�s investment in Employee would be jeopardized if Employee were to leave the company�s employment prior to the Company�s receipt of the benefits of such training and education. Employee hereby agrees to refund to the Company all amounts expended by the Company in the immediately preceding 12 months for education or training of the Employee if Employee resigns from the employment with the Company or is terminated by the Company for gross neglect of duty, material breach of the Letter or this Agreement or conviction or plea of guilty or no contests to a felony. Employee authorizes the Company to deduct and withhold such payment in full from any compensation or other amounts otherwise owed or payable to Employee. The payments will be due within 30 days of
    termination of the employment."

    In my company if they transfer you with-in company and pay all moving which can total to 25-30 k, they say that if you leave with-in 12 month of moving you have to pay back moving expenses. If company terminate you before 12 months, they will move you back and pay for your expenses.

    It may be a standard clause if it is only valid for first 12 month. May be they spend $$$$$ on training but i am pretty sure they'll have hard time enforcing it.

    princesses beatrice and eugenie. princesses beatrice and
  • princesses beatrice and

  • spicy_guy
    10-19 01:37 PM
    Mine RD: Sep 3rd
    I have booked tickets for Nov 18th.
    I think I can wait until this month end to start expediting process. I will have 17 days window.

    What do you suggest guys? Is that a reasonable time or I should start right away?



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  • princesses beatrice and eugenie bikini. Below for princess news

  • Ram_C
    10-09 07:08 PM

    I filed I485 and my I140 got cleared. My employer is not willing to give my Approved I140. I am not sure why he is holding my I140. I dont have have any idea to change job at this time.

    I am working with everest technologies there web site address is

    I hope this is the right place to share over view and ideas thats the reason i am posting my questions here.

    1) Do we really required I140
    2) Is any one here working with everest technologies who is having same problem.

    I-140 is employer’s property and it is not mandatory to share it with employee, however you can always request a copy of approval notice and in most cases employer will provide one. It is always advisable to have a copy of approval notice (just in case you want to port it to an other job/employer etc) in later stages of your green card process.

    2010 Princess Beatrice and Dave princesses beatrice and eugenie. jumper Princesses+eatrice
  • jumper Princesses+eatrice

  • Jimi_Hendrix
    06-26 04:07 PM
    I had asked my StateSenator to inquire about my case and the senator office got back in 2 weeks saying that the USCIS liaiason informed that all looks good on my case and that cards should be ordered within 30 days. Six days after that i.e. today I got a notice saying cards were ordered.


    princesses beatrice and eugenie. Princess Eugenie and Beatrice
  • Princess Eugenie and Beatrice

  • abhijitp
    07-08 07:50 PM

    hair Princesses+eatrice+and+ princesses beatrice and eugenie. Prince Harry Princess Beatrice
  • Prince Harry Princess Beatrice

  • tikka
    07-06 03:41 PM



    princesses beatrice and eugenie. Princess Beatrice; Princess
  • Princess Beatrice; Princess

  • GCBy3000
    07-26 04:56 PM
    At least you have nine more fingers in your hand. But the poor keyboard / laptop has only one F5.

    By the way, I work for a insurance company and we have customer service dept. Once one of our client called and said she is having some issues with our website. The customer service rep could not resolve the case so she conferenced me in. I asked the client to press F5 to refresh the browser. She said her browser was not refreshed even after pressing F5. After serveral minutes I realized that she was pressing F and then 5 seperately. The story continued with that client for several minutes and I accepted my defeat at the end.

    Another time when I called the charter company for some cable issue, they asked what OS I have. I replied I have windows on my PC and they did not understand. So she asked "Do you have windows or PC?". I said "I have windows on my PC". I thought she is funny. But when I went to the charter site for cable connection registration, they had similar question in their website too. Then I realized, in US windows = OS from microsoft and PC= MAC.

    Man u guys are faaaaaaaaaaaast!!!!

    BTW, talking abt F5...I have lost the white ink on the F5 key..its all blank now.....seriously not kidding, and also some dead skin on my index finger.......cheeeeeeeers!!!

    hot Photos Of Princess Beatrice princesses beatrice and eugenie. Princess Beatrice and Princess
  • Princess Beatrice and Princess

  • Bthram
    06-06 09:06 AM
    What reason did you give for declining this promotion? what kind of company is this ? how big ? would your salary increase ?

    Maybe if you answer this, I could think of something..but as of now..if its a good company and you like it..explain to them the nitty gritties about how change in occupation, classification, salary etc would jeopardize your GC process...i can give more suggestions if you want to send me a PM..

    Congrats on the promotion tho..:)

    Answers to the questions above:
    1. The company is a Manufacturing company.
    2. They have 17,000 employees.
    3. Yes. Salary has changed but not significantly.


    house {Princesses Beatrice and princesses beatrice and eugenie. Princesses Beatrice and
  • Princesses Beatrice and

  • itsmedude
    02-12 06:02 PM
    No matter how bad an employer is, one should inform before quiting...atleast one day in advance!

    Bring IRS in to picture, let them deal these kind of cases...U should be OK in getting W2

    Don't worry about losses and cases, it will cost him more if he gos to court.

    He sent me an email to pay $3500, do you think he will go legal for this, I did not sign any contract with him.
    If he goes to court will i loose(he may create documents) or will i be in trouble if he wins the case.

    Please suggest.

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  • queue princess eugenie

  • kumara121
    04-29 12:40 PM
    Quick Chain of events .

    India rejected both Boeing and Lockheed Martin's proposal of fighters . I am not debating the reasons or the merits of this decision if this was right or wrong . I am just discussing the potential repercussions this has had so far and might have .

    'Exclusion of US firms from IAF jet deal a setback for ties' (

    1) The issue is so serious that Tim Roemer , US Ambassador to India submitted his resignation immediately since he was on the hook for making this deal work .This shows the measure of disappointment they had.

    2) India was seeking US assurances in security a Permanent Security council seat , which looks far fetched now .

    4) Pentagon , Whitehouse and the DoD very upset that deal fell through . This sentiment will certainly percolate to the USCIS and the State department and might embolden Anti Immigration senators whose measures will get more support in the house and senate.

    5) Prosecution of companies entangled in cases like Infosys might find more support and favor with the Govt.

    Question is how/if there will be a backlash against India / Indian's get back at us at least in the short term .Increased scrutiny and visa denials , PoE Harassment , GC audits etc.

    Will the US take a Tit-for-Tat reaction on this issue is what remains to be seen.

    it will be shortsightedness on the US part if it wants to revenge... According to the reports, India went with the technical evaluation where as US in the name of transparency wanted a political decision. There is also end-user agreement US wanted India to sign, which allows US to come and check the planes whenever and wherever it wanted to... so blaming India in this is not right... US has to look at its own back first..


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  • Princesses Beatrice amp; Princess

  • pappu
    07-08 05:15 PM
    Based on what Zoe Lofgren said in the video interview it is clear that no piece meal changes will be entertained. Courtesy of the media (read: Lou Dobbs) and the hispanic representation in the Congress/Senate any legal immigration effort is held at gun-point. In my opinion all changes will be rolled up into CIR, which may pass as late as 2010. Be it Obama or McCain, they have bigger issues to address before worrrying about immigration and that to legal immigration. Both have to live up to poll promises and immigration reform features only as a lip-service when both speak on the campaign trail. Bringing the troops home, addressing issues with economy, and solving the energy needs will be prioririty number one for the new President.

    I spent considerable time reading the last CIR proposal and it was clearly in favor of illegal immigrants. Restrictions on hiring legal immigrants and choking their talent featured at the top of the "to do" list for legal immigrants like us. I dont see much change in the next CIR. Few changes here or there but the word "Comprehensive" in CIR is reserved for illegals.

    Who is to blame? In my opinion, US. Not U.S but us (we the people). On one hand you observe legal hispanic immigrants and business fighting for the cause of their community and on the other we conveniently forget our community as soon as we adopt this alien land. I live in the Bay Area and boy have I seen the marathi mandals, kannada sanghas, TANA, AATA, BATA and God knows how may orgranizations that represent our fractured presence in this country. We have shamelessly displayed our differences based on cultural backgrounds/needs. Sardar Patel's dream of "Ek akhand bharat" (one united India) seems to reverberate only when India plays Pakistan in a game of cricket. I wonder if people such as Vinod Khosla, Vinod Dham, Arun Netravali, Indra Nooyi understand or are are atleast cognizant of the issues their community is facing. For a wild second, imagine the above four making a few phone calls. I bet the impact will be huge.

    Congratulating ourselves for small achievements and patting each other the back for things such as two year EAD extension, etc is great but the celebrations have to stop and we need to focus on CIR. Immigrationvoice is a great organization and I will not take away anything from it. That said, collecting a few hundred thousand, making phone calls, and sending flowers is going to do jack-shit. We need representation on the corridors of power. That's where the battle is.

    Finally anybody who calls the D.C rally a success needs to go easy on the weed. I was there and I can tell you, it was pathetic. Compare that to the L.A rally by the hispanic community. We can give a million explanations on why the D.C rally was under-represented. The bottomline my friends is that the L.A illegal rally got more coverage on CNN and the media, which clearly translated into a biased CIR.

    Lastly, please dont take a few lines from what I've written and display your rebuttal skills. Frankly, I give a rats ass on what you have to say.

    I do agree with your thoughts to some extent.
    1) Unless we get lot more folks involved, it will be a tough task. A small number for a DC rally or a few hundreds doing phone campaign will not achieve much.
    2) Indian community (including GC holders, Citizens and highly placed individuals) would need to be involved if this has to become a visible voice.

    The best way to achieve these objectives is by taking it upon ourselves and reach out to these people. Unless enough awareness is generated, our campiagns will not generate enough heat to power the bills forward.

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  • Princess Beatrice Princesses

  • ilikekilo
    04-19 03:44 PM
    I will be sending the following note to my senator and have already posted it to I urge all those screwed by the ongoing retrogression to do the same.

    "I am writing to inform you of how the country based quotas imposed on Employment Based green cards are unfair and totally illogical. When I immigrated to the US, I believed that this country was a meritocracy where you were judged based on your abilities and qualities. These country based quotas reward people depending on where they or their ancestors were born. This causes people from India and China to wait over a decade to get a green card whereas someone from another country with similar or lesser abilities can obtain permanent residence in half that time.

    Since these EB category based green cards are awarded for professional skills, imposing a country based quota just does not make any sense. I urge you to work with Congress and change this discriminatory policy and reinforce that America is truly a society that celebrates meritocracy."

    welcome to IV and thanks for your post. Please join our collective efforts starting with sending your lawyer an email to contact IV if they are interested for their banner display. Additionally you could consider contributing to IV, thus becoming a donor and get more updates as well and participate in our attempt to address burning issues we have that affect almost all immigrants like you and me.

    any questions just ask someone might try answer...

    also please take a moment to update your profile as well as that data will help us all


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  • PD_Dec2002
    06-19 02:24 PM
    Yeah, how would I get the letter if he is not willing to.

    Employer letter is not required if you are attaching photocopies of two current pay stubs.


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  • GCwaitforever
    11-16 02:53 PM
    This is relevant because some of us have EAD which is legal authorization to work (restricted though) or spouses have EADs (unrestricted). Placing barriers like US citizens only or Greencard holders only is discriminatory.

    hairstyles Princess Beatrice; Princess princesses beatrice and eugenie. Princess Eugenie Princess
  • Princess Eugenie Princess

  • wahwah
    06-05 06:43 PM
    i think this is just another interim or supplemental memo. Oh's website says that the rule making agenda for ac21 has been pushed out until next year.

    About 2 weeks back Murthy posted an article in it's bulletin "new AC-21 regulations expected soon" which i believe was a result of some discussions USCIS had with AILA?

    Now is this new AC-21 memo released today the one being referred to in the above mentioned Murthy bulletin? OR i should still hold my breath for more AC-21 changes coming from USCIS, so they can jeopardize status of people by changing their interpretation of laws every now and then? Anyone?

    06-02 02:18 PM
    Done. Thanks.

    01-23 01:19 PM
    Mailed hand-written letter to WH, copy to IV.

    Sorry for the delay, have been busy with things like

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