Friday, June 17, 2011

mariah carey twins babies

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  • Mariah Carey And Nick Cannon

  • AuntyDan
    10-17 07:55 PM
    Spouse working - Yes, in theory they could allow H4 to work. However would that be any job? If so then the H4 would actually be far better off than the H-1B who is restricted by job category and employer qualification

    Long term - Yes, in theory, a 20 year H-1B takes some of the stress off. But what of Citizenship? If you stay 20 years you'd want to at least have the option of becoming a US citizen. At present I believe only a GC holder has the option to progress to citizenship.

    Employer based - This is the key. Unless an H-1B is no longer employer sponsored but self-sposored then the H-1B holder is still living on a knife-edge and can be sent back home at any moment if their employer fires them or goes under and they cannot secure another similar job quickly enough.

    So yes, they could make H-1B 20 years, allow spouse to work, allow application for citizenship and make it self-sponsored and not employer dependant. But why do that? They already have this kind of Visa. It's called a Green Card.

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  • Mariah Carey

  • walking_dude
    10-05 11:26 AM
    Good Joke :)

    GOP = Grand Old Party (Republican party)

    Although historically Democratic party is much older to RP

    Government of Power?

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  • Mariah Carey Expecting Twins!

  • prem_goel
    08-03 07:53 PM
    I don't think there is any way of knowing if your case is pre-adjudicated. The only way you will come to know is if you receive an RFE or an interview appointment.

    Although officially so far, USCIS has not branded an I-485 status as "pre-adjudicated", if you haven't received any RFE and/or any other negative status about your 485, and if your case is outside the processing dates of the Service Center, then obviously dude your case is pre-adjudicated. I don't understand why most of the people are ignoring this simple fact. I think we need to stop consider USCIS a mystery box, and start treating it like an organization that processes the applications in a structured way.

    I tend to believe that the offical status of being "pre-adjudicated" is coming soon. A few months back I read that USCIS is considering publishing another set of date known as "Qualifying Date" in their monthly visa bulletin. That date will define if you are "qualified" to file I-485. They will determine this date based on their workload. The idea behind is to avoid another July 2007 fiasco. They intend to process the 485's early rather than have you wait for your PD to become current. That way they will manage their workload efficiently and avoid visa wastage. They did indicate these applications to be pre-adjudicated then. I am guessing the official status of "pre-adjudicated" on your 485 application is coming soon.

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  • Mariah Carey expecting twins!

  • sweet23guyin
    06-23 06:58 PM
    dilip and everyone,

    i have couple of questions.

    1. currently i am on H1 and my wife started using EAD. First time i applied EAD and AP for both myself and my wife. Now, i don't want to renew my EAD but just renew my wife's EAD. Is this ok? What happens to my EAD after it expires. Will i be able to renew it in future or will i be able to apply for a fresh EAD based on my pending 485 with out a problem? what will be my status if i renew my wife's EAD alone with out renewing mine. will i still be on valid h1?

    It is not a must to renew EAD; if you are not intended to use it in near future, provided you are maintaining you h1b. It won't effect you by extend your spouse EAD.

    2. Similarly, i don't want to renew my AP as well as i have valid stamping for next 2 years. Is it fine to just renew my wife's AP alone? Will i be able to apply for a fresh AP in future based on my pending 485? wat will be my status if i renew my wife's AP alone?

    Same as 1, only if you intend to use AP for international travel. As you wife is using EAD she has to use AP for re entry as she lost non immigration status

    3. Last time when i applied EAD and AP along with my 485 in Aug 2007, my application got transferred to Vermont from texas. i received EAD, AP from Vermont and then my 485 got transferred back to texas. For renewal of EAD & AP, shall i send applications to vermont or texas?

    It is generally to apply for EAD/AP to the center where your I485 is located.

    Answers to my questions are really appreciated. Thanks in advance for taking time to read and respond to my queries.

    See in bold


    mariah carey twins babies. Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon
  • Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon

  • tikka
    07-13 09:37 PM least one person showed up


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  • Mariah Carey pregnant with

  • gc_on_demand
    08-20 11:08 PM


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  • In October singer Mariah Carey

  • narendra_modi
    05-07 12:56 PM
    would be more than happy to participate in such an effort. I will be driving upto MD and will be there by train alongwith friends..go IV go..

    2010 Mariah Carey Expecting Twins! mariah carey twins babies. Is Mariah Carey Having TWINS?
  • Is Mariah Carey Having TWINS?

  • cbpds
    05-06 03:07 PM
    I think u guys are getting anxious and thinking of such ways. u will need some determination to complete the MS besides ur regular work.......suppose if EB2 gets clogged suddenly next year, will u stop doing MS then?

    I am also in the same boat. Could anybody suggest some good affordable online universities?


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  • Hollywood Super star Mariah

  • dilipb
    06-23 04:00 PM
    forgot one thing.

    NO short forms.
    On the check write US department of homeland security
    NO dept.
    DONT forget "US"

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  • Congrats to Mariah Carey

  • GC08
    05-28 06:44 PM
    It is getting clear now why Legal Backlogs are not touched in this present Bill.
    Because Home Land Security Dep budgets depend on them..If backlogs are gone .. Budget is gone ...

    So our backlogged cases will not get relief ..Looks like this will remain unfair reality

    This is so outrageous! :mad:

    What can legals do then to change the situation? :confused:


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  • Mariah Carey An Excited

  • vinodmp
    02-06 01:53 PM
    more info on my case::

    Company A :
    Pd: 12/31/2003
    Catagory : EB2 India
    Labour cert approved : 3/30/2004
    I 140 RD : 4/13/2006
    I140 approved DT: 9/21/2006
    I 485 sent : 7/2/2007
    I 485 RD : 7/5/2007
    I485 ND : 7/13/2007
    Finger print : 9/2/2007

    Company B :
    joind Date: 2/14/2008 (after 6 months)
    Filed AC21 by company attorney
    contacted congresman's office when PD become current for more than a year but no approval. Got responce that it is pending in extended review.

    Left Company B to move South side because of health issue ( winter) .
    Company B understood the situation and left in good terms with them.

    Company C ( Full time )
    joined Date: 12/14/2009
    Used EAD .

    I140 LUD: 1/29/2010
    I485 deniel email : 25/2010

    I did not change attorney in file from company B for I485 .
    Called companyB attorney on 2/5/10 and they did not even know that I left companyB .
    They said they have not received any communication about I485 and they can deal with me for my 485 directly . they said they will call me once they receive the original letter (not suer wheter attorney get it or myself get it ).

    So this is where I am standing .

    So if my original sponser ( company A ) revoked 140 , should it not say the status denied/cancelled etc at that time ( 2-3 years ago) ?

    If I had known that I would have shifted from companyB or would have looked for a H1 transfer. ( Just my lack of knowledge) .

    Hopefully it is a string Ac21 mis-understanding issue. otherwise I may have to look for a H1 tranfer ( pain again)

    Thanks folks for all the support

    hot Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon mariah carey twins babies. Baby News: Mariah Carey
  • Baby News: Mariah Carey

  • msp1976
    05-11 03:12 PM
    My understanding :
    The current versiion of the bill says thus :

    All illegals have to establish eligibility for adjustment of status..Now that could be done through a labor certification or some kind of review by the USCIS. The law does not say how.
    It could mean that all of them submit some sort of form to USCIS immediately after the law comes into effect..Then after 6 years they would be eligible to adjust status..that is 485 filing...


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  • Carey

  • SenSan
    06-03 01:17 PM

    I certainly respect your view on this post that this information is irrelevant to this forum. At the same time I disagree your view. Different view points from other members absolutely help us to know how others perceive things.

    But your "offensive language and replies" to other members views are uncalled-for.

    Now in recent posts, you are using "we" and trying to gain support for what you have been writing.

    I request other members (whoever expressed their views that this post is irrelevant in this forum ) to express their concerns about Thankgod's language in his posts.

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  • hot Baby News: Mariah Carey

  • gc_eb2_waiter
    07-09 01:57 PM
    Will reach Emilo's office by tomorrow(Jul 10th).


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  • The twins rumors first started

  • coolman
    08-25 06:07 PM
    Voted..after logging in

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  • Mariah Careys aby bonus

  • agiridhar
    04-28 10:50 PM
    Point based system!!!! Is this is joke???? Tell me this is not true and this is just a bad dream, please!!!!

    Let�s see what a point based system has done to people..... Whom do we have here, a doctor, an engineer and one MBA. OK!!! Lets see what Point based system did to these guys -




    No offense to anybody from Canada. I am simply trying to illustrate the rationale about the GREATEST IDEA OF THE CENTURY, THE SILVER BULLET, THE FINAL FRONTIER TO ALL IMMIGRATION PROBLEMS - "point based system"!!!!! Oh really???

    guess they are talking about the point system for the people who are here in US and not for the people from other countries to come here.
    feel free to confute or comment


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  • GCAmigo
    05-24 09:07 AM
    If no CIR no relief for legal also. This bill with minor amendment is much better than statsuquo
    in the long run, it is going to be extremely BAD/HARD for skilled immigrants..
    I couldn't confirm it but from what I understand, the dual intent will no longer be valid on H1 ie A H1-B holder cannot have an immigrant intent. Does that mean, they cannot file for a GC, while on H1? Also, as consulting would be severely restricted, how many of the H1s will be able to find Full-Time Jobs?

    As we read more into the Bill, the 'hidden' intent is becoming clear..
    Restrictions & more Restrictions..

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  • Mariah Carey

  • nraja
    07-19 12:53 PM
    As per my lawyer it reached on Jul 2. I dont know which carrier. If anyone got receipt then please share the same.

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  • Jaime
    09-22 10:23 PM
    Why don't we mail copies of our degree certificates, diplomas and other credentials? They will know who is more educated..Lou Dobbs or us !!!

    GREAT idea! We should xerox our educational degrees and use them to wrap the stoppers, and then we should mail that to the law-makers

    We can include the "Reverse Brain Drain book" with many stries of people wh have already left or have decided to leave

    Keep the ideas coming guys! These are great and will make a statement! (if we decide to do it)

    04-21 03:08 PM
    u mean ur parents r babysitters for last 4 years....I hope this teaches to keep ur mouth shut calling other's parents baby sitters.

    Whether we like it or not...this is a reality. I have had a neighbor where both the husband wife was working. They brought their parents every year... because it was cheaper than Day Care.

    But they didnt bother to drive Benz and BMW.

    09-22 03:04 PM
    I already called all of them today. Guys, please keep calling for Support of HR 5882 . We have seen , that phone calls work.( They have rescheduled this Mark up of the Bill on 9/23/08, after many of us, called Judiciary Committee Office, last week)

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