Friday, June 17, 2011

rammstein tattoo

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  • bang
    03-08 10:17 PM
    Please let me know who wants to travel .. i can book a ticket for you ... please reply with your details i will contact you

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  • feedfront
    09-14 04:04 PM
    Please share your EVL, if possible.

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  • BharatPremi
    07-13 10:23 AM
    To those guys:

    Who are against Ms Murthy or any other law firms please educate yourselves before start whining. I am not going into more detail but I think Delax has fairly explained... Some entities may be working in the background for our cause and can not go public about their activities... You would say how do you know? For that you will have to learn the art of "Reading between the lines" .. And if you can not do that please shut your mouths. Everybody is playing their parts fairly.

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  • LOL123
    08-20 10:29 AM
    I know someone who had to go for FP for their son who is 7 yrs old.

    So yes, your 6 yrs old will have to get FP done.

    As per my knowledge FP is only for the Age 14+


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  • prinive
    02-20 04:27 PM
    EB3 india wont move further... With PD Sep 2001 EB3 Indi. Still waiting...

    Here is Mr. Gotcher's perspective on EB3 movement ...
    In terms of EB3 movement for India do you think that the slow movement as predicted will atleast move the cut off dates to Dec 2001 (India) by end of FY 08 ?

    I doubt very much that we will see any EB3 cutoff date movement until October.

    James Ronald Gotcher

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  • The7zen
    01-22 12:38 PM
    No, people with all personalities exist every where. I just took two typical cases. Does Warren Buffet care about car or home he has? His happiness lies in multiplying his wealth (bank account), not in expensive cars/homes. Wealth, big homes, GC, etc. have nothing to do with peace of mind. The moment we get our GC, our happiness level will go up momentarily, and then after a while we'll find things to be unhappy again.

    Case in question above, where a GC seeker gets up at 5am in a nicely furnished home, and gets to work, is entirely his choosing for happiness with material things. He knowingly choose to sacrifice his peace of mind for more material wealth.

    We always pay in some form for any happiness we seek.

    Well said.

    My Happiness lies whenever i strike a balance between both the scenarios you mentioned...some years its well balanced and some years the scale tends to tip on one side (but does not make me sad or atleast i dont let it make me sad)...I just try to keep an eye on the scale and try to balance it accordingly.....:)


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  • meridiani.planum
    08-07 02:38 AM
    Hi Sachug22,
    Some of the data you specified does not add up well. For example 2006 India, EB-total is 17,358 but 3,156+3,720+3,006 adds upto 9882.

    Any idea?

    Type 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

    EB1-All 41,672 34,168 14,453 31,291 64,731 36,960 26,697
    EB2-All 42,550 44,316 15,406 32,534 42,597 21,911 44,162
    EB3-All 85,847 88,002 46,415 85,969 129,070 89,922 85,030
    EB-All 179,195 174,968 82,137 155,330 246,878 159,081 155,889

    EB1-I 3,543 2,820 1,266 2,998 6,336 3,156 2,855
    EB2-I 21,355 21,310 8,536 16,262 16,687 3,720 6,203
    EB3-I 16,339 17,354 10,647 19,889 23,250 3,006 17,795
    EB-I 41,720 41,919 20,818 39,496 47,160 17,358 26,853


    that difference in numbers between total(EB) and total-india-GC for 2006 is because of a special provision of 50k visas made for schedule-A (nurses). Folks from Philippines and India took a big chunk of those visas. There was a lot of discussion of that on IV, because those 50k were recaptured visa numbers, which instead of being put into the general pool, were all given to schedule-A.

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  • kpchal2
    07-18 11:57 AM
    hi tapukakababa, can you please provide me with a number for USCIS nebraska SC. I would like to talk to them as well.


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  • sandeepsriv
    01-18 11:50 AM
    I have just contributed $20 and although I have not signed up for recurring but I will try to contribute every month.


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  • thomasstuart
    11-25 07:08 AM
    Thanks a million. Very useful indeed. I've taken a quick look at the links and I think this could be quite an interesting path to follow. Once again thankyou very much.


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  • indio0617
    11-20 09:20 AM
    Probably, at this moment it might still be true but the reality is that it is soon going to be demoted from this there is nothing like missing the opportunity....!!!!

    VERY TRUE...

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  • newuser
    04-20 03:25 PM
    I will be able call after 6:30 PM EST.


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  • masouds
    02-16 12:00 PM
    Don't tell me that If I come from India, I don't assimilate with the local population.

    You don't get it, do you? I've never talked about you. What I am saying is simply this: If you don't limit the number of immigrants from one country, you essentially become a part of that country with the influx of people coming from there. This is what people in America are afraid of. They can't limit the influx of illegal immigrants from Mexico and other latin america countries, and it is becoming a big deal for them, since they don't want to be forced to learn spanish next time they go to a diner.
    Is it racist? probably so. But remember, it is their country; They make the laws. They can make people dance for 5 minutes at ports of entry while they film it and post it to youtube if they like (see recent articles about search and seizures of returning greencard holders' electronic equipment).

    If you support the old colonist and racist mentality , you stand no where. If you are so afraid of competing with Chinese and Indians that you have to refer Black period of American history, then my friend you don't belong on this website.

    And who the hell are you to tell me this?
    We don't represent any nationality here at IV but there is a good population of Indians and Chinese on this website and you don't wanna offend them with your racism. Again there is freedom of speech but you can take your a$$ to some anti-indian or anti-chinese blog if you want to release your bigotry.

    What did I say? What I mentioned was the natural tendency of people of one language and one common background to gather together and stay together, even though the whole society asks them "Please forget your background and become one of us". How is that racist? This law stops the society to become divided into two factions of 'Us' vs. 'Irish' or 'Us' vs. 'Italians' or 'Us' vs. 'Iranians', etc. There have been several waves of people coming to US for whatever reasons; They are just making sure this doesn't happen again.

    This per country cap law is very much like the tax code. If you change it to favor one class of people, you end up screwing everyone else. The current immigration law favors me, so I am happy. It doesn't favor you, so you are (understandably) unhappy. Calling me racist and trying to chase me out of IV is not going to solve your problem.

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  • Jaime
    09-10 12:15 PM
    You have contributed 1000s of dollars to Social Security and if you don't fight for it, anti-immigrants will kick you out of the U.S. by frustrating you to the limit, and your Social Security money will go to fund Lou Dobb's retirement and that of others, except yours!


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  • delax
    07-13 10:48 AM
    everybody ..I think 70% of green card filers know that Murthy is money maker and does not help our community much at all...
    she is just making up to show to world that she is doing some help for us..

    we still have to appreciate her efforts tahts all.

    MONEY MAKER - who isnt a money maker. Welcome to the world of Capitalism. I dont think any of us are in a position to comment on whether she helps our community or not. Here is a fact - On her call last week she mentioned that the Murthy Law Firm is one of the biggest financial contributor to AILF - who by the way are ready to file the class action lawsuit. If the lawsuit is successfull and given AILF's funding source - will you exclude yourself from the potential benefit because Murthy's funds were used to support the litigation - who's piggybacking now :)

    Again - Its not one against the other - Please bear in mind the DUE PROCESS of LAW has been violated by USCIS resulting in a curtailment of your substantive rights (EAD, Parole, AC21 etc). I would not care who fights on my behalf so long as the outcome is to correct the earlier mistake.

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  • ChainReaction
    08-09 08:17 AM
    I called the 800# today bec the TSC IO told me to check back after45 days and now I was told to wait for 90 days bec of the JulyAug backlog. After I conversed with the IO I told them what if the application is lost , should i be refiling my 485 , since the deadline is Aug17, so she transfered me to her super wiser and he looked for my name in the system and told me there is no update so far and he is placing an inquiry and that will take another 30 days and there is nothing else he can do in regards... And the wait of 30 or 90 days is way passed the Aug17th deadline.

    I think USCIS should honor resubmitted application passed Aug17th deadline if we have to refile our I485 due to lost mail based on Tracking conformation from FEDEX which have the Signature conformation of IO when they received the mail?

    There isn't lot of time left if I have to refile my 485 application , I have to call my lawyer to get the paperwork ready, Employer for the job letter and not to mention the Doctor for the medical ,I don't even know if he will issue a duplicate I693 or i have to get all the test redone ?


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  • vicsthedude
    09-17 05:31 PM
    Yes was similar to yours. The status did change to Review. They just got it yesterday and I saw hard lud yesterday and a soft lud today. I did not know how my Attorney responded or worded it, I just sent him the EVL from current employer.

    How many days have passed snce they received your response? Was yours similar to mine. Please look at Page 1 of this thread of my detailed RFE. Did the sttus change for you to "Review"? Sorry so many questions but my attorney is sending the response overnight today and i am so nervous and anxious and scared and.... etc.

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  • makemygc
    01-30 08:27 PM
    I am on H4 visa and thinking of filing for an H1 through a contrating co. But I have also heard the horror stories of these desi contrating co. which makes it more difficult for taking a decision.
    i do not hold a US degree but i do have job experience from india. Can anyone advice on how to go about this situation.
    Its essential for me to travel to india this year. If I go ahead and file through some co, will there be a problem at the consulate when i go there to get my visa stamped ? Is it advicable to travel during such a transition ?
    What happens if I am unable to find a project & I'm on bench ? Am I an illegal resident in such situation ? please advice.
    I've lot of friends whose spouses have transfered their visa from H4 to H1 successfully and doing good right now. I don't know a single one regretting their decision. Well, I agree with lot of horror stories here but do understand that there are decent companies as well who are straight forward and do not do things illegally. Do some research among your friends and well wishers and then take a decision. In forum like this, you will always find two side of the stories as everyone has their own agenda.

    Best of Luck.

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  • sunny1000
    07-02 02:07 AM
    I talked to my Professor where I did my masters and he agreed to sign the online petition. He is one of top researchers in his field. Imagine if we can get signatures from such great . Professors, outstanding Scientists, CEO's and Directors of big companies, Journalists (like the one who wrote nice article in Washington post about legal immigration) and probably Bill Gates. This would create great attention for our cause. They are lots of people out there who support legal immigration and its time to bring them together and show it to the world in a petition.

    If anyone thinks this is a good idea, can you just leave a message saying that you support it. At least we know how many people are interested in this forum.

    I will gladly sign this petition as well.

    Can you please ask your professor to call Rep.Lamar Smith to voice his support for the Lofgren bills? That would be greatly appreciated.


    09-11 01:51 PM
    GC is not too close....
    September 18 is not far away...

    Come to DC and bridge the gap!!!!

    GO IV!!!!!!

    07-29 02:23 AM
    Hi all,

    I am not sure whether I should add this over here or not but I could not resist and I don't know any other way.

    I went to a wine shop and was shocked to see cartoon of Ganesha used on the bottle of India Pale Beer. I am not a religious person but this thing made me nervous. Please let me know how this can be protested.


    Please desist from such irrelevant postings here. If you have a personal problem, at least display the intelligence to find the proper forum for it.

    To answer your irrelevant question, such a thing can be protested best by not consuming the beer and most of all, to not give it publicity by laying bare your intellect at the wrong fora.

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